About Us
LawHelpNC.org is a joint project of Legal Aid of North Carolina, the North Carolina Equal Justice Alliance, the North Carolina Bar Association Foundation and Probono.net.
Our goal is to provide our users with helpful, easy-to-understand legal resources and information in North Carolina.
Who We Are
Legal Aid of North Carolina
Legal Aid of North Carolina (LANC) is a statewide, nonprofit law firm that provides free legal services in civil matters to low-income people in order to ensure equal justice and to remove legal barriers to economic opportunity. LANC serves eligible clients in all 100 counties of North Carolina through its 18 geographically located field offices and seven state-wide, special project units.
North Carolina Equal Justice Alliance
North Carolina Equal Justice Alliance (formerly the "NC Legal Services Planning Council"), the collaborative planning and coordination organization of providers of civil legal assistance in North Carolina. The mission of the Planning Council is to provide central coordination of a sustained, comprehensive, integrated, statewide system to provide the most effective legal services to people in poverty in North Carolina. North Carolina Bar Association.
North Carolina Bar Association
The North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA) is a voluntary organization of legal professionals who live in or practice law in North Carolina. The NCBA serves both attorneys and the general public with programs including professional support, lobbying on issues of interest to the Bar, continuing legal education programs, legal information materials, the Lawyer Referral Service, and support for pro bono legal services. NCBA's mission is to serve the public and the legal profession by promoting the administration of justice and encouraging the highest standards of integrity, competence, civility and well-being of all members of the profession. The LawHelp liaison at the NCBA is Kim Bart Mullikin, 919-657-1559. Support for LawHelp is provided by the North Carolina Bar Association Foundation Endowment.
The North Carolina Bar Association does not provide pro bono or free legal help.
The LawHelp website platform was created and is maintained by Pro Bono Net (PBN), a national nonprofit founded in 1999 whose mission is to bring the power of the law to all through technology and collaboration. Pro Bono Net's programs equip individuals with solutions to life-changing legal issues and transform how the civil justice sector collaborates to tackle justice problems.