McDowell St. Center for Family Law
General Contact Information
- Phone
- 704-331-4774
- Fax
- 704-331-4778
How to Get Help
Hours |
Who We Are
The McDowell Street Center for Family Law, Inc., (MSCFL) is an equal opportunity non-profit law firm providing services, including consultation, to low to moderate income-qualified persons without regard to race, sex, handicap, age, national origin or religion.
MSCFL's Areas Of Practice
- Divorce
- Child Custody/Visitation
- Child Support
- Cost Of Service
Who We Serve
Area(s) |
Cirumstances and languages in which interpreters are provided | Translators can be provided at clients expense. |
Income Guidelines | You must have a family law issue that we can help you with. There are some limited exceptions. Please contact the McDowell St. Center for Family Law to see if you are eligible for our services. Interpreters: it is client's expense if a translator is used. |
Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? | Yes |
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? | Yes |
Eligibility Restrictions | This program does not serve: Domestic Violence; Mentally Ill |
Type of Help
This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources: |